Thursday, July 15, 2010


I am currently moving into a new 3rd move in 6 months, that's a whole other blog of a long story!! Anyways, we are moving my honey from Woodward and moving all of my house into the new house...and it's CRAZY!! We are super, super busy! I can't wait to get settled in our new home. I have soooo many recipes I want to try and I'm so sick of eating out. I can feel myself getting fatter by the second. Until then....

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Why I decided to start a blog. Again.

I decided to start a blog again for many reasons. My main reason right now is to have somewhere to journal my weight loss journey and my attempt at starting a healthier way of eating. This should be interesting considering I have 4 kids and a honey who don't really like to eat healthy! Right now I weigh about...well, I'll keep that to myself, but I want to lose about 20 lbs. goes!!!!